Designed Treasure

2 Corinthians 9:8
And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed;
God’s grace is like a room full of treasures. There is an abundance of value in the things of God. The longer that we walk with God the more we consume and handle God’s most valuable commodities. God who is rich in grace and mercy welcomes us to all that He has and can provide for our lives.

As we walk amongst God precious treasures we see things that are designed specifically for our lives. Through the handling of tailored made treasures we come to an understanding about our purpose, destiny and the direction life is pointing towards. Yet there are so many things in the room of treasures that often times we get distracted and take for granted the things that God has designed just for us.

Finding your purpose in life is a precious jewel. Often times, many do not realize that their purpose has been with them their entire lives. A person’s purpose rest in frustrations and desires. The things that upset you the most about the world and the things you desire to do for others usually points a person in the direction of purpose. It is the discovery of purpose and the handling of it that ultimately brings focus into our lives. In my personal opinion, the person who dies without finding purpose has missed out on one of the greatest divine revelations or the very tailored made treasure for their life.

Once you find your purpose in life do not lose focus! I will say this again…ONCE YOU FIND YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE DO NOT LOSE FOCUS. God has given us one physical life. Within this life, He has specifically designed something just for you. Finding where your treasure is amongst other treasures is the key to self discovery. Once you find yourself in God do not let go. There are a lot of shiny things (distractions) in the treasure room but there is only one thing designed just for you.

In Mark Chapter 4 Jesus teaches of the parable of the sower. He speaks about seed falling into specific areas of ground or in other words, life. The one place Jesus speaks of that has always intrigued me is the seed among the thorns. Mark 4:18-19 Message-"The seed cast in the weeds represents the ones who hear the kingdom news but are overwhelmed with worries about all the things they have to do and all the things they want to get. The stress strangles what they heard, and nothing comes of it. Be careful with your treasure. Identify the weeds and thorns and do not allow your purpose to be strangled by things that have nothing to do with what was made just for you.

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