God's Prisoner

Philemon 1 PAUL, a prisoner of Jesus Christ, and Timothy our brother, unto Philemon our dearly beloved, and fellowlabourer,

The Apostle Paul, was called by God and inspired by the Holy Spirit to write the majority of the New Testament. The things that God revealed to Paul for our lives has made an impact for centuries. His writings are the very words that Christians are to learn and to live. As we read through the Bible from Romans to Philemon, (except for the Book of Jude and the Hebrew writer is undetermined) we see Paul’s ministry unfold before our eyes. One would think that Paul desired this ministry or believed with massive faith for such a great responsibility, but on the contrary none of it was in Paul’s radar.

In the opening of Philemon we see Paul call himself a prisoner of Jesus Christ.This is such a powerful statement and insight into his own life. Paul did not desire or believe for the ministry that was placed in his hands. He did not pray or fast for it. On the contrary, Paul’s life was going in the opposite direction. Paul’s mission was to destroy Christianity! A lot of us can relate to a life that was going in the opposite direction away from God and then suddenly we are standing before God with no way of escape. Paul clearly understood that the life that was laid before him was not of his own will but of the will of God. ( Will of God References: Eph 1:1, 2 Cor 1:1, Col 1:1, 2 Tim 1:1)
God has a way of inserting His will into our lives without force or manipulation. Because God is long suffering He allows us to come to the end of ourselves only to find Him standing there with open arms. In His sovereignty, He applies His will where He chooses through foreknowledge. He knows more about us than we know of ourselves. We have the gift of freewill yet He has the ability of foresight. God is the only One in our tomorrow. He stands in our future and allows His will to unfold in our lives.

The Apostle Paul clearly understood that there was no way around God. He was trapped. God imputed His faith into Paul’s life. He bestowed him with love and a burning desire to spread the Gospel. Paul’s life was transformed through will of God and he didn’t have the ability to turn back. We are slaves to righteousness. We are what we are because we are the elect (chosen) of God. God has called us and our lives are forever changed. The one lesson Paul learned at the beginning of his walk was to not kick against the pricks. Do not fight the will of God. You are who you are because of God’s sovereign will. Be like Paul and embrace the life that has been laid out before you because God has great things in store for you!.

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