The Fight

During my younger years in life, I realized I was never the tough guy. I really never wanted to deal with confrontation. Although, I wasn’t the tough guy I would come against aggressive opposition. When faced with the aggression I had a choice to make, either tuck tail and run or meet the opposition. As I became older, I realized I just couldn’t walk away from certain things but had to meet opposition head on. As I began to stand up to aggressors I realized I was changing. When met with opposition I started taking on the personality of the one opposing me. A lot goes on within a person when they are backed into a corner. You get tired of people taking advantage of you and you knuckle up and fight back.

Satan who is our aggressive adversary constantly stands in opposition to us. He comes as the aggressor and wants you to fight him on his terms. He wants you to fight him through the same personality that comes up against you. Child of God always remember that "the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds." Understand that fighting an enemy on their turf is a tough battle. We must lure the enemy into the camp of God. We are no match for the enemy in our carnality. We lose the battle of the flesh to him every time. The battle is not won by fighting in our flesh (shouting,screaming, crying or running.) The battles of our lives are won in Christ.

Jesus is our buckler and our shield. He is the one that has made us victorious. When we stand in Christ the fight becomes fixed. No weapon formed against us shall be able to prosper. The enemy is confused by Judah (praise). He becomes discombobulated by the personality of Christ. When we take on the mind of Christ we are clothed in an impregnable armor. Stand firm in your position of Christ and resist the enemy then he will flee.

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