"What If ?"

The mystery of “what if?” There are so many obstacles and decisions in life that we will never fulfill all of our dreams. Our imagination is powerful and vast. We can think up so many things that if we are not careful the “what ifs” can take in many directions.

As I pondered my life, I realize there are many “what ifs” at every point of my life. Some of the what ifs would have led to positive outcomes and others lead me to negative outcomes.We can imagine what could of happened if we would have did things differently but life doesn’t give you mulligans.

The “what ifs” of life have pushed me closer to God. When I apply faith to every area of life I no longer have to ponder what could have happened if I did it a different way. The way to not deal with the “what ifs”of life is to follow God’s lead. If we learn to make Spirit-led and Spirit-filled decisions we eliminate the guessing of “what if.” Following and honoring God is the best position and posture a person can have in life. When we place our lives in the hand of God we no longer guess our way through it. We see life through the eyes of God and the enigma of “what if” no longer holds our our soul.

Reference: Psalm 139:7-10, Proverbs 3:5.6

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